Documents ========= While the CWR standard is defined on a single document CISAC has created a few other which may help to understand it or, in the case of for example the lookup tables, are actually required if one wishes to work with the files. The files which can be downloaded here are the ones which have been used to develop the library. But the latest version of these files (which at the time of creating the project are the same on this page) can always be found on the {{{}CISAC}} website. Specification ------------- A single file contains the standard specification: - :download:`Functional specifications: Common Works Registration version 2.1. - Rev.7 (CWR11-1991R1) <../_downloads/cwr_files/specification.rar>` Additional information about rules to be used when writing into a file can be found on the following files: - :download:`CIS Character Set Rules (CWR11-1494) <../_downloads/cwr_files/charset_rules.rar>` - :download:`Amendments of TIS data (TIS09-1546R1) <../_downloads/cwr_files/tis_amend.rar>` Manuals ------- There is a user manual to help when working with these files: - :download:`CWR v2.1 User Manual (CWR11-1494) <../_downloads/cwr_files/user_manual.rar>` Data Files ---------- Some files contain information required to fill and validate the CWR files. - :download:`CWR Validation and Lookup Tables (CRF020) <../_downloads/cwr_files/tables.rar>` - :download:`CWR Sender ID and Codes (CWR06-1972) <../_downloads/cwr_files/sender_id_code.rar>` - :download:`CWR Error Messages (CWR08-2493) <../_downloads/cwr_files/errors.rar>` - EDI Standards (IM0047) (MISSING) TIS information. - :download:`TIS Territories (TIS09-1540a) <../_downloads/cwr_files/tis_territories.rar>` - :download:`TIS Hierarchies (TIS09-1540c) <../_downloads/cwr_files/tis_hierarchies.rar>` Other Files ----------- Miscellany related files. Some of these are not required to use the standard, but can help to understand it, while others have a very specific use. The CWR light is a variant which reduces greatly the number of fields in the records. - :download:`CWR Light Specifications (CWR08-3540) <../_downloads/cwr_files/cwr_light.rar>` The following files are used to prepare a CWR-based communication between two parties. - :download:`CWR Publisher Questionnaire (CWR07-1411) <../_downloads/cwr_files/questionnary_publisher.rar>` - :download:`CWR Society Questionnaire (CWR08-1983) <../_downloads/cwr_files/questionnary_society.rar>` There is an implementation spreadsheet showing society and publisher communications have been established with the CWR standard. - :download:`CWR Implementation Spreadsheet (CWR06-1950) <../_downloads/cwr_files/impl_sheet.rar>`